Stuart 540 Celebrating 175 years
The Lodge celebrated its 175th anniversary on the 30th November 2022, our Installation night.
The meeting held on Monday 12th December 2022 was not only to celebrate that event properly but to dedicate a new lodge banner. The ‘old’ banner has now been placed in a glass display case mounted in the main lodge room, together with the original Master and Wardens gauntlets. New gauntlets were presented to the lodge that evening after our Worshipful Master returned to his chair after the dedication ceremony.
The PrGM formally presenting the Master with his gauntlets.
A wonderful evening was had by all, with a very good number of members, visitors and the Provincial Team in attendance! In addition to the wonderful cake made by the wife of our Senior Warden, we also brought back the ‘Stuart Punch’ which first saw ‘life’ back in 1847. A powerful potion but good for keeping the cold out!