Craft Officers

Craft Officers


Worshipful Master – The leader of the Lodge elected by the brethren, in many respects the MD or CEO of a business is probably a good description.

Senior Warden

Senior Warden – Assists the Master in keeping order in the Lodge, and to close the Lodge.

Junior Warden

Junior Warden – Assists the Master in keeping order in the Lodge, and is responsible for the admission of visitors.


Chaplain – To give the appropriate prayers when required, and generally to remind the brethren of their obligation to the three grand principles on which the order is founded.


Treasurer – The Financial Officer, or banker of the Lodge.


Secretary – In many ways very similar to a secretary of a small business. A hinge pin to ensure the smooth running of the lodge affairs both in and out of the Lodge Temple.

Director of Ceremonies

Director of Ceremonies – To regulate the ceremonies and keep an eye on the working of the ritual.


Almoner – To distribute alms where necessary and generally attend to the welfare of those in sickness or distress.

Charity Steward

Charity Steward – To promote and cement the support of the Brethren of the Lodge for our Charities.


Lodge Mentor – To provide help and support to all the brethren of the Lodge, but especially the new brethren so they are not left alone during meetings.


 Senior Deacon – The special messenger of the Worshipful Master.


Junior Deacon – The special messenger of the Senior Warden.

Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Asst. Director of Ceremonies – To assist the Director of Ceremonies in the discharge of his duties.


Organist – To provide appropriate music during the course of the meetings.

Assistant Secretary

Asst. Secretary – To assist the Secretary in the discharge of his duties.

Inner Guard

Inner Guard – To work in conjunction with the Tyler, to ensure that the Lodge is properly secured against intruders.


Steward – To assist the other officers in performing their duties and to ensure the best is provided for the comfort of the brethren.


Tyler – To ensure all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the approach and entrance of unauthorised persons.

Past Master

Immediate Past Master – The previous Master, and is considered the guide, philosopher, and friend of his successor to the Chair of the Lodge.

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