Craft Information
The members of Stuart Lodge meet six times a year, on the last Wednesday in the months of January, February, March, September, October and November (Installation). The ‘Installation’ meeting is where the new Master for the coming year is installed, and his new officers for the year are appointed on that night too.
Meetings are held at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston and begin promptly at 6pm, except in November when it is 5.30pm for our Installation meeting.
Stuart 540 is part of Bedfordshire Freemasons.
Lodge of Instruction
The ‘Lodge of Instruction’ is used to rehearse our ceremonies and learn the work, with a view to improving the ceremony held on a Lodge evening, but in a more relaxed environment.
Time and experience has shown these meetings are invaluable to all those seeking to progress through the various offices to the Masters Chair, and all members are strongly encouraged to attend.
They are held on the second and third Monday of each month the Lodge meets, at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston, and start at 7pm.
There is also a ‘Standing Committee Meeting’ and ‘Officers Night’, which is held on the Monday immediately before the actual Lodge meeting. The Standing Committee Meeting starts at 7pm, again at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston, and is followed by the final rehearsal, or ‘Officers Night’, which will begin at 8pm after the ‘Standing Committee Meeting’.