Royal Arch Chapter Information
Membership of the Royal Arch Chapter is open to all those who have become full members of a Craft Lodge.
The members of Stuart Chapter meet three times a year, on the third Thursday in the months of January, March (Installation), and November.
Meetings are held at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston and begin promptly at 6.00pm.
There is a Chapter of Improvement meeting on the first Friday in each month that the Chapter meets and is held at 7pm. The Standing Committee Meeting (followed by another Chapter of Improvement), starts at 7pm on the Wednesday night prior to the main meeting.
Chapter of Improvement
The ‘Chapter of Improvement’ is used to rehearse our ceremonies and learn the work, with a view to improving the ceremony held on a Chapter evening, but in a more relaxed environment.
Time and experience has shown these meetings are invaluable to all those seeking to progress through the various offices to the Z Chair, and all members are strongly encouraged to attend.
There is a ‘Standing Committee Meeting’ and ‘Officers Night’ held on the Wednesday evening, the night before the actual Chapter meeting on the Thursday. This is all held at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston, where the Standing Committee Meeting will start at 7pm, followed by the rehearsal which begins at 8pm. Prompt and timely attendance is expected from all Companions.